Friday, May 21, 2010

Two Truths and a Lie

I am 20 years old and already have four nieces, three nephews, and another niece on the way.

I went skydiving for the first time last year in Baldwin, Wisconsin.

I have vacationed in Mexico three times; twice in Puerto Peñasco and once in Cancún.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, did you go skydiving with one of the other people in our class who listed the same thing on their blog? I believe you have that many nieces and nephews in this day and age of divorce, remarriage, and having kids later after remarrying for a second time. Not that any of these situations apply to your family, but I am wondering if you are being honest it. Mexico is a cheap vacation spot, easy to hit a few times, so that is believable. Ok, I’m going with your Auntie status as being the lie.

  3. They all seem like truths to me because they are all very detailed. You must have lied about a specific detail on one of them so i am going to guess that the lie is one, there are a lot of numbers involved maybe you switched the number of nieces with nephews or something like that.

  4. I would have to agree that number one is the lie. There are a lot of numbers that you could have lied about in number one. I know there is a skydiving place in Baldwin and know of a couple people that have went skydiving there over the past few years. Mexico is a popular vacation spot for families or for college students during spring break so that seems reasonable also.

  5. I believe number one is a lie. I am 23 years old and have two nephews and one niece. So for you to have three nephews and four nieces when you're three years younger than me, I will doubt the odds. Number one is certainly possible but I don't think it is probable. As for number two, I believe it is true because Baldwin, Wisconsin is a real city in Wisconsin. I believe that if you were going to lie about skydiving you would have chosen a more exotic place. And lastly, I think #3 is true because Mexico is a very common vacation spot for young adults. Thus, by playing the odds, I believe #1 is false whereas #2 and #3 are true.

  6. Not knowing that there is a skydiving place in Baldwin, that would've been the one I thought you were possibly lying about... but I have to agree with the comments mentioned above. You were very exact on where in Mexico you went and a lot of people seem to vacation there so I'm going to guess you've been there! Number one is probably the lie because of how many you seem to have, although it could be the truth as well because some people do have lots of nieces and nephews even if you are that young. I still think I'll go with number one though!

  7. Wow all of yours are very detailed which makes this extremely hard to guess so well done. I would have to say that the skydiving one is false because I don't know where you would do that in Baldwin..

  8. The lie is that I did not go skydiving in Baldwin, although you can actually go skydiving there and I plan on doing it someday. I do have that many nieces and nephews which I know is pretty crazy but I am the youngest of five children so I was an aunt in middle school. And Mexico is pretty much my favorite place ever. I love how different their culture is and I plan on going back many times!
