Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Activity Twelve

I would have to say the most important thing I've learned is that all cultures are just different from each other and that we need to be respectful of others traditions and manners. Also we shouldn't judge other cultures or ethnicities based on one experience we had or by watching their television shows. It was really eye opening to see how just one bad experience can create a very bad misconception about someone. I also reevaluated our own culture and how many things we do seem very odd to other people.

I would say that I haven't been exposed to different cultures or ethnicities very much, mostly because I grew up in a small town without much diversity. I have traveled to Mexico multiple times and I absolutely loved being submerged in their culture. I know that I am by no means an expert but I'm willing to listen to others and alter my behaviors so I don't offend anyone. I know I could make a better effort to talk to people from other backgrounds just to learn about other societies or traditions. I do feel I'm more open minded than many people and am willing to get to know people and maybe correct some misconceptions that I have. I feel this class has made me more knowledgeable in the subject and that I can look at conflicts from both perspectives now rather than just the one perspective I normally view everything from.

This course has been eye-opening, but it didn't involve going out and actually meeting new people and learning about them and who they are and why they are this person. I guess I want to be able to learn about intercultural communication in a more direct manner and go visit other countries and learn their traditions and mannerisms. I plan to study abroad while I'm still in school. I want to go to Spain and Scotland and live out daily life there rather than just being a tourist.

Besides traveling I could simply just talk to people around here more often and ask more questions and be more curious. I have a friend who was adopted from Korea and was totally brought up in regular American culture, but he has such a desire to learn about where he came from. My family came from somewhere else too but I'm so disconnected from my heritage that I have never really even thought about what German culture would be like. I think I just need to ask people more questions about who they are and what made them become that person.

I'm going to school for broadcast journalism, and I feel like this course is extremely relevant to the job I could have in the future. As a journalist I'll be expected to go places I normally wouldn't go and to talk to people I normally wouldn't talk to. I want to be able to report based on what I learned directly from a certain group or culture rather than on what I think I know.

Question: Do you think the concepts we've talked about in this class will be relevant to your job in the future? Why or why not?


  1. Yes I do think so. Many of the topics that we have covered is sceen in our everyday activities. It is good to be aware of the other cultures and beliefs around the world so that you can be a well rounded person. Also for me becoming a teaccher I could incorporate different cultures into my learing and I need to be aware that there are other beliefs out there not just my own.

  2. I absolutely think that these concepts will be relevant to my job in the future. No matter what job I end up getting there will always be encounters with different countries or people of different cultures. It is always a safe bet to know your stuff about different cultures, especially for me in the Marketing Communications field I will be working with companies from all over the world. If they are a client of the company I would work for It would be extremely beneficial for me to have common knowledge on how to communicate with specific cultures.

  3. I think I will have a better realization for more cultures when I become a teacher, if I have students in my class of different cultures. I think this will be the only way my job will be impacted or the only way I'll be able to use what I learned from this class in my future job. I'll for sure be more willing to look out for more cultures as I become a teacher, and make sure I understand my students of different and treat all fair, which is something I knew I'd always do it anyway!

  4. Yes I definitely think I will be able to use the concepts talked about in this class will help me professionally. As a veterinarian, I will be interacting with many people, each for only a couple minutes. I will need to use whatever information I have about their culture to make sure that my interactions with clients are positive and effective.

  5. I have really enjoyed this class because I think I will be able to become a better English teacher once I get certified. For instance, I will be able to communicate more effectively with individuals with different cultures than mine. And I don't think I would have been able to that before this class. Of course I still won't be an expert, but I at least I won't be scared to try. So I absolutely think this class has helped me. Besides, if I have to teach large class sizes, I will want to be able to communicate effectively with as many students as possible.
